Last Week Arrangements
Tuesday 13th July 2021
Dear Families,
As another disrupted school year draws to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our families for the continued support you have shown to school in these challenging and uncertain times. Your continued positivity in the face of restrictions to school life has made a huge difference to pupils and staff as they have undertaken their work.
Minister’s Announcement
As we start to look to September, a key change has been announced by the Minister for Education in Wales.
- All children will finish school at 3:15pm. We will continue to operate our one-way system in and out of school.
It has been very successful having children come in their PE kit to school during the pandemic. We intend to keep this measure for the foreseeable future. However, in keeping with more traditional school policy, we now ask that children come to school wearing dark jogging bottoms / leggings and a white t-shirt (with a school jumper).
End of Term
School finishes for pupils on Friday16th July. Pupils can wear their own clothes on Friday. We have arranged for an Ice Cream van to visit school on Friday afternoon. Every child will be allowed an ice cream /ice lolly; there is no charge. If nursery children would like to come back, they are more than welcome. Mrs Coulton will communicate an appropriate time via Seesaw.
We anticipate further guidance will be issued for schools during the school holidays. As ever, as soon as we are able to communicate our plans to you we will do so using the usual methods.
We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Thursday 2nd September 2021.
I wish you all a very pleasant summer break.
Kind regards,
Mr M O’Grady